Jake Wong is a director with the Vancouver Street Photography Collective. For his field report on the 2020 Vancouver Mural Festival he captured people interacting with the murals and the spaces around them.
Follow Jake on instagram at @2xu2xu
Jake: A first person's camera view of another first person's camera view. Do you see what they're looking at?
Mural by: Bronwyn Schuster, Tia Rambaran, Lani Imre, Amanda Smart "Lady Mermaids" at 122 4th Ave
Jake: Don't worry I'm not a by-laws officer. It’s okay to enjoy the murals with a concealed drink. Mural by: EXPEL "Untitled" at 2015 Main St (in south parking lot)
Jake: Wonder if the artist knew a yellow fence would be complimenting their mural.
Mural by: Carson Ting "Ride Wild" at 143 E 3rd Ave (in Main Alley)